Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Call for Papers: Outside the Frame: A Journal for Texts and Technology

Outside the Frame: A Journal for Texts and Technology
Editor-in-Chief: Anthony Crisafi

CALL FOR PAPERS: Inaugural issue

Outside the Frame is a journal dedicated to examining emergent theories concerning how technology is transforming the way we currently think of or practice scholarship in the Arts and Sciences. We are specifically interested in theoretical works that approach texts and technology from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Submissions on, but not limited to, the following topics are welcomed:
Autonomous agents/Autonomous Media
Digital Publishing and the place of Authorship
Digital Rhetoric and Queer Studies
Ethics of Online Communities
Feminism, Cyberculture, and the Appended Self
Identity, Representation, and Embodiment
Multicultural Communication
Posthuman vs. Postmodern
Remdiating Narratives
Secondary Orality and the Digital Environment
Semiotics and Cybernetic Discourse
Teletheory, Grammatology, and the Logic of New Media
The Plight of Film: Digital vs. Celluloid
Materiality/Immateriality of Electronic Texts

We are also looking for reviewers for the following texts:

Art, Performance, Media: 31 Interviews by Nicholas Zurbrugg, editor
The Audible Past: Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction by Jonathan Sterne
Can the Subaltern See?: Photography as History by Fernando Coronil
Changing Sex: Transsexualism, Technology, and the Idea of Gender by Bernice
L. Hausman The Digital Sublime: Myth, Power, and Cyberspace by Vincent Mosco
Digitizing the News: Innovation in Online Newspapers by Pablo J. Boczkowski
Experimental Ethnography: The Work of Film in the Age of Video by Catherine
Russell Haunted Media: Electronic Presence from Telegraphy to Television by
Jeffrey Sconce Image Ethics in the Digital Age by Larry Gross, John Stuart
Katz, and Jay Ruby, editors Literature and Science: Cultural Forms,
Conceptual Changes by Wai Chee Dimock and Priscilla Wald Memory Bytes:
History, Technology, and Digital Culture by Lauren Rabinowitz and Abraham
Geil Profiling Machines: Mapping the Personal Information Economy by Greg
Elmer Race on the Line: Gender, Labor, and Technology in the Bell System,
1880-1980 by Venus Green Wetwares: Experiments in Postvital Living by
Richard Doyle

Due date for submissions for articles and reviews: June 1, 2004

Submissions to the Journal should contain a short 200 word abstract, be
between 5,000 and 7,000 words in length, double-spaced and should follow
Outside the Frame guidelines (to be found at

Any queries about submissions for the inaugural issue are welcome. To submit a paper or to query about a
subject, please contact Anthony Crisafi at To query about a review, please contact Rebecca Middlebrook, Reviews Editor at In accordance with the Submission Guidelines, all material must be submitted via email. Other queries may be sent to the
following address:

Outside the Frame: A Journal for Texts and Technology
Department of English
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Fl 32816